
Everyone can make a difference!

Did you know that the USO is not a government organization? We are a non-profit and rely solely on the contributions of generous individuals, companies, and organizations to continue our service to the military community. Large or small, every contribution counts!

Sponsor an Event

Would you or your business like to sponsor an event at the Stuttgart USO? If so, we would love to talk to you! It can be anything from providing a fully catered lunch-at-work for one of the many commands here in Stuttgart to donating your time teaching a knitting class at the center… and everything in between. Stop by the USO or call us at 07031-201-9012 and we can discuss the possibilities!

Monetary Donations

The USO is primarily funded through individuals just like you. Donating even a small amount will make a difference! When many people donate, pennies turn into dollars, dollars turn into hundreds, hundreds turn into moments, and moments turn into memories. Giving to the USO will support programs here in our very own community.

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