In-Kind Donations

In-kind donations of products and services are vital to the USO’s efforts to connect troops to family, home, and country! Individuals and organizations provide valuable resources that help support important programs and center operations. If you are interested in making an in-kind donation, please contact us by calling the USO directly at 07031-201-9012 for more information about how to donate goods and services to the center.

Current Center Needs:

◾Individually wrapped snack food items such as: •Granola bars •Packages of cookies •Candy •Fruit Snacks •Crackers


◾Bottled water

◾Hi-C juice boxes

◾Supplies for weekly ‘Hump Day Hot Dog’ lunches including: •Hot Dogs •Buns •Condiments (ketchup/mustard/relish/etc)

◾Coffee Bar needs: •Powdered creamer or single-serve creamers •Sugar/Splenda packets •Hot chocolate packets or canisters

◾Popcorn kernels (large bulk bags) and vegetable oil

◾Monthly Movie Night supplies: •Theater candy •Capri Suns •Lemonade Mix

◾Paper products